Overcoming Religious Indoctrination and child danger.

religious inductrination

Religious indoctrination is real. It is a traditionally-based process of all cultures. Its power is such that peoples so affected have a ‘belief’ they have chosen their particular ‘faith’ above the many on offer throughout the planet. Continue reading

History of ideas (Human evolution )

The word homo, the name of the biological genus to which humans belong, is Latin for “human”. It was chosen originally by Carolus Linnaeus in his classification system.

Fossil Hominid Evolution Display at The Museum of Osteology, Oklahoma City, USA.

Carolus Linnaeus and other scientists of his time also considered the great apes to be the closest relatives of humans due to morphological and anatomical similarities. The possibility of linking humans with earlier apes by descent only became clear after 1859 with the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. This argued for the idea of the evolution of new species from earlier ones. Darwin’s book did not address the question of human evolution, saying only that “Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history”. Continue reading