Catholic Nuns Steal Babies

catholic church stollen babies
Randy Ryder as a baby being cradled in a Malaga hospital in 1971 by the woman who bought him.

Between the 1930’s and 1970’s the Catholic Church and government in Spain allegedly trafficked anywhere from 30,000 to 300,000 children. Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals. Continue reading

4 reasons religion is extremely bad and unpleasant.

Over years, missionaries have this to say “I’m doing gods work” This really proves to me either the so called god is dead, crippled or vividly don’t exist at all to do his own work. If god really wanted me to worship him/her/it, he/she/it would tell me and not human beings.  Continue reading

The False prophets

false prorphets

Two Assembly of God missionaries, John and Theresa Foud, came to investigate and convert one of the many tribes previously exposed to Western cultures, so that most of its members could communicate with them. There was a suspicion in their denomination of a new religion among these tribes which was “spreading like wildfire.” The following are excerpts from writings they recorded during their encounters. Continue reading

Is Christian God powerless?

A curious statement I heard often during my Christian years was this: “God first needs to break a person before he can bring them to him.” I can remember feeling as though I understood perfectly what was being communicated here. These days, however, I’m not so sure. Continue reading

10 Reasons to Trash Religion

trash bible

While consciously pursuing your spiritual development is commendable, joining an established religion such as Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism is one of the worst ways to go about it. In this article are 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest. Continue reading

The Common Christian Arguments


I have been an atheist for six months now. They’ve been an incredible six months, comprising both good and bad experiences. The bad experiences came from other people’s reactions to my new stance. The good experiences came from my own reactions to my new stance. Continue reading

“Jesus Not Coming Back By The Looks Of It” Admits Vatican

catholic bishops.

A SPOKESPERSON for the Vatican has officially announced today that the second coming of Jesus, the only son of the God, may not happen now after all, but urged followers to still continue with their faith, regardless of the news.

Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN that this years 1,981st anniversary is to be the Vatican’s last in regards to waiting for the Lord to return to Earth. Continue reading

Christianity is just as ridiculous

christiamity is ridiculous

Christians seem to whine a lot about how they’re ridiculed and disrespected in the media, and how this fallen world is somehow persecuting them. I think it’s an absolutely laughable claim, especially here in the United States where Christians have far more influence on public and foreign policy than they should. Continue reading

Did Jesus Claim To Be God?

did jesus claim to be god?

Is Jesus God?

Have you ever met a man who is the center of attention wherever he goes? Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men. Well, that’s the way it was two thousand years ago with Jesus Christ. But it wasn’t merely Jesus’ personality that captivated those who heard him. Those who witnessed his words and life tell us that something about Jesus of Nazareth was different from all other men. Continue reading

From Hebrew Bible to Christian Bible: How was all written

Torah scroll

From Hebrew Bible to Christian Bible: Jews, Christians and the Word of God
In his teaching, Jesus often quoted the Jewish Scriptures; after his death, his followers turned to them for clues to the meaning of his life and message. Biblical scholar Mark Hamilton discusses the history of these ancient texts and their significance for early Christians and their Jewish contemporaries. Continue reading

Morality of modern civilization has surpassed that of the Bible

My path out of Christianity began 30 years ago when I realized that evolution was a fact- that we evolved from very simple organisms that lived 4,000,000,000 years ago. I wondered why a god would use such a long, convoluted process to produce the desired human product, Continue reading

Bible written by self-interested clerics.

One of the indicators that the Bible is the product of self-interested men is how it treats the issue of testing, both God’s testing of human beings as well as the nearly total injunction against testing God, except when it comes to tithing. Continue reading