There can be no heaven without hell.

heaven and hell

The Bible is considered to be the Good Book, and the Gospel Truth. We swear an oath in court with one hand on a Bible, and have as our motto, “In God We Trust”. God is agreed to be the God of the Bible, particularly the New Testament. Many Christians also believe the Bible is to be taken literally, even though a story of human sacrifice linked with another story about the first human couple seems mythological rather than historical. Continue reading

Overcoming Religious Indoctrination and child danger.

religious inductrination

Religious indoctrination is real. It is a traditionally-based process of all cultures. Its power is such that peoples so affected have a ‘belief’ they have chosen their particular ‘faith’ above the many on offer throughout the planet. Continue reading

Christians Don’t Use Their Head.

Image by Jason McKim’s Old Account via Flickr

Christians are told: don’t use your head if you want to keep your faith. Whatever you do, don’t let these people make you think about it. Continue reading

Christian Salvation Does Not Make Any Sense

First on the list is the idea that salvation is unconditional. Grace is freely bestowed on the believer. The believer is not saved by works, or by earning it in any way; it is a gift, offered freely and without cost to the believer. Or so we are led to believe. I contend that this concept does not make sense. Continue reading